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Lead by Executive Council Members: Dr. Kat Daniels and Dr. Kirsty McDonald


Dr. Kat Daniels

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Dr. Kirsty McDonald

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Romanda (she/her) is an Impact and Evaluation Support officer at the University of East London. She graduated in 2017 from Loughborough University with her Ph.D. in Sports Biomechanics.  Her research interests involve performance techniques in the badminton jump smash and the tennis serve. Her goal is to help players improve their technique to reach their optimal performance level in their respective sports. Romanda also facilitates the IWB Membership  Support team. She loves uplifting the members' voices by organizing programming that allows our members to grow and develop within biomechanics. Outside of biomechanics, she is a beginner crossfitter and loves to read and cook in her spare time.

Dr. Romanda Miller-Dillon

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Dr. Brecca Gaffney

Brecca Gaffney is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Center for Bioengineering at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus. Her primary research interests focus on whole-body and joint level biomechanics where she combines the use of in-vivo biomechanics, computational modeling, and medical imaging to better understand the mechanisms of secondary pain conditions. In her research, she is passionate about improving clinical outcomes and bridging the gap between engineering and clinical environments. She loves doing anything with her dog, anything in the mountains year-round, exploring new craft breweries, and the occasional binge-series. For IWB, she works on the member support team and is passionate about increasing the long-term retention of women in STEM careers. Her hope for IWB is that it will become a community for women particularly those early in their career, that can establish a network of colleagues and friends to support them throughout their biomechanics career progression.


Elizabeth Bell

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Elizabeth Bell (Liz), PhD (ABD) is an assistant professor in Kinesiology at Towson University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Her current research focuses on determining how features of movement affect human health and the long-term risk for chronic diseases. She has recently focused on modeling the consequences of pregnancy on knee joint loading and future knee health and is working to extend this research to include postpartum. She has over 10 years of experience in the biomechanics field. Previously, as a biomedical engineer for the Department of Defense, she examined how prosthetic devices can improve walking mechanics over advanced terrain. As a teacher and as director of the Bell Biomechanics Lab, she aims to help students succeed no matter what their background is and motivate them to use inquiry to keep learning throughout their own career. Beyond biomechanics Liz loves traveling and seeing indie rock shows with her husband and two boys.
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